Click on a street to inspect with Google Street View.

Image opens looking west
Sorry, no street view is available here. Try clicking closer to a street.
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Pick a location

Navigate the map and place youe note on the map.

How are you traveling? *

Your comment is most related to (choose up to 3):

Please select only 3 or fewer

What do you like about your route? *

How are you traveling? *

Your comment is most related to (choose up to 3):

Please select only 3 or fewer

What would you like to see improved along your route? *

Please tell us your Santa Fe street story. *

Add your comment *

* = Required

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Note saved

Thanks for your contribution. You may add another note by selecting another pin.

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No comments or pictures will be made public until reviewed by MPO staff. Staff may edit comments/stories/photos for suitability of posting. All content submitted may be removed by request. Our policy is to leave all submitted content anonymous unless you specify otherwise. Contact: [email protected].